Ashir Imran

Hello there, my name is Ashir.

I'm a CS alumni from UMass Amherst, and I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at Citizens Bank. This is my place to braindump my thoughts on various media I'm interested in, showcase my various projects, and all sorts of other stuff.

Latest Posts ✍🏼

Top 10 Albums - 2023

This year has been... interesting. My main genre is usually Hip Hop, and there's a common sentiment about how it's been such a bad year for it, but that's not really the case in my opinion.


Introducing: letsthink

New project! This was a big one, created using microservice architecture.


My First Hackathon - HackUMass X Experience

Last weekend, I participated in my first hackathon through HackUMass X, and I thought I'd write about my experience.


Featured Project 🧑🏽‍💻


GroupQuotes Logo

An easy to use Discord bot for saving funny out of context quotes. You can view them back in your server by author, and set a gallery channel where each quote is sent to. Visit the repo to add this bot to your server today!